version 4.1.1: - Feature: New API Method: rev redraw for Redrawing the current Slide in case, slider is included some animated container. - Feature: New tab in Slider Settings: Reset Options. - Reset all Transitions of this Slider to a choosen one - Reset all Transition Durations of this Slider to a choosen one - Feature: New Dropdown on Post/Pages for revslider Shortcodes (found in Visual mode of Editor) - Change: New button in Slide Edit mode to go back to Slide List of Slider - Bug fix: Remove of Aspect Ratio and Dotted Overlay if Cover was not choosen in HTML5 Videos - Bug fix: Fixed a bug on import of Slider where custom arrows might break - Bug fix: Fixed a bug for Missing static-captions.css - Bug fix: Fixed FF and IE10 Animation issues - Bug fix: Fixed Wrong calculated Center positions if Caption has CSS3 Animations associated version 4.1: - Feature: Ken Burns Effect (align start/end) bg Fit (start/end), Speed and easing - Feature: Min Height for Fullscreen Sliders - Feature: Fullscreen HTML5 Videos with new functions - Feature: Cover the whole HTML5 Videoscreen (no black borders) - Feature: Dotted overlays on HTML5 Videos with cover & slide backgrounds - Feature: Dotted Overlay on Background Images (global setting) - Feature: Mute option on Videos - Feature: Force Rewind of Videos on slideview - Change: Fallback to old export if zip extension is not installed on server - Bug fix: Post meta tag fix for plugin: Types - Complete Solution for Custom Fields and Types version 4.0.6: - Bug fix: Force Fullwidth Offsets - Bug fix: Added FF Protection for 3d Animated Elements - Bug fix: Update GreenSock Engine with Protection for FF25 Animations - Bug fix: IE8 HALO Effect Solved version 4.0.5: - Feature: New Background-Image options in slider settings under Appearance Tab - Feature: Usage of placeholder %link% and %meta:somemeta% for Slide Link in General Slide Settings - Change: Added fallback for dynamic-captions.css (if not writable, load captions.php instead) - Bug fix: Fixed a bug where no layers could be added to Slides - Bug fix: Fixed a bug where Post Sliders do not show the correct thumbnails in navigation - Bug fix: Fixed a few texts for better multilanguage support version 4.0.4: - Bug fix: inserted two missing functions version 4.0.3: - Change: the option Responsive Through All Levels in layers is now checked as default - Change: set default background-position of main slide image to center top - Bug fix: bug in interpreting the css fixed - Bug fix: fixed a bug that occures on some video layers and that may brake the edit slide page - Bug fix: fixed a bug with Post Sliders not being shown with the template Slider styles version 4.0.2: - Bug fix: WPML was not working correctly, fixed "Wrong Request" bug version 4.0.1: - Change: add revision to css/js files to prevent caching issues version 4.0: - Introducing: New Live Style Editor (Simple and Advanced) - Introducing: Custom Caption Creator - Introducing: Live Caption Animation Viewer in Editor - Introducing: Export Feature (with Images and Static/Dynamic Styles and with Custom Animations) - Introducing: New Main Image Aligns, Repeating and Sizing (like center,center, repeat-x,y,no, cover and container and many more) - Introducing: New Layout Viewer ( to see differences between, fullwidth, fullscreen, custom) - Feature: Only Styles are loaded which used in Current Slides - Feature: template slider for post slider added - Feature: allow external images as slide backgrounds - Feature: new options for videos - Feature: many other new options added - Feature: added relpace url's neer export / import slider - Feature: new options for hiding thumbs/bullets/arrows on mobile - Feature: new option force fill width in autoresponsive mode - Feature: id, class, rel tag can be set for each element - Feature: alt tag for images can be set - Feature: layers can now be locked - Feature: layer images can now be resized - Feature: Added new Flat Transitions - Feature: Added FullScreen and FullWidth Forcing in Boxed Themes - Feature: Added Thumbnail for Videos - Feature: Tooltip for Titles - Feature: Shadow Prelayouts - Feature: Move Tabs to Change Slide Order - Feature: Published / Unpublished Slides also Date / Time Dependent - Feature: Loop and Controlless HTML5 Videos - Feature: Play Video only First Time, then Hold - Feature: Linear Resizing of Thumbs - Feature: Unlimited Containers for Offsetting Fullscreen Height - Change: Style of Backend in Flat Style - Change: Much cleaner interface - Change: Load Plugins and Revolution Slider splitter, dependent on Other Plugins - Change: Jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js loads now in the footer (Optional) - Change: Main transitions are now listed in flat and premium transitions - Bug fix: many small/mayor bug fixes - Bug fix: added error messages on some situations in slider by post view. - Bug fix: fixed css bug that made the screens overlap with wordpress error messages - Bug fix: fixed image positioning in edit layers js file - Bug fix: fixed images url's output in https websites version 3.0.96 - bug fix: added validation to slider settings and slide settings. - bug fix: added nonce check on ajax requests - improved security. version 3.0.95 - bug fix: fixed some bug in widget class - bug fix: was problem to save slide with (") sign. Fixed it. version 3.0.94 - bug fix: fixed jquery ui css compatability version 3.0.93 - bug fix: fixed jquery ui compatability and FireFox Issues version 3.0.92 - feature: tooltips now have an i icon for better recognition - feature: slide tabs can now be dragged, to change the order of them, in the slide edit interface - feature: slide tabs have now the title as name for better identification - feature: two new fields to publish/show slides only between a interval - bug fix: grid list shows up correctly now on slider creation - bug fix: change youtube dialog api url to https. It was not shown in https websites. version 3.0.91 - feature: added language filter for the slides. - bug fix: get back the hide layer under width option. It was lost in the last update. - bug fix: disabled the admin validation in the backend - bug fix: normalized widget output - bug fix: done some modifications for wordpress 3.6 version 3.0.9 -bug fix: fixed jquery ui conflict version 3.0.8 - bug fix: fullwidth Slider disorted Image has been fixed. version 3.0.7 - bug fix: made some modifications for wp3.6 version 3.0.6 - bug fix: get back the hide layer under width option. It was lost in the last update. - feature: added language filter for the slides. - bug fix: disabled the admin validation in the backend version 3.0.5 (28.06.2013) - bug fix: mixed the fullwidth video output with the normal video output so the output is now the same version 3.0.4 (26.06.2013) -bug fix: Video Does not Auto Start after 2nd Loop. -bug fix: import slider buttons didn't worked when no slider created -bug fix: removed validate admin permissions function from base_admin -bug fix: fixed some color picker setting bug when the textbox was empty. version 3.0.3 (25.06.2013) - bug fix: fixed "include js globally" default value again - bug fix: fixed strict mysql in inserting global settings. version 3.0.2 (25.06.2013) - cahnge: fullwidth Video goes in real Fullwidth also at FullWidth (AutoResponse Sliders) - change: made option: add js and css includes globally default: on - bug fix: fixed video dialog vimeo section version 3.0.1 (24.06.2013) -bug fix: fixed import slider button from slider view version 3.0 (24.06.2013) - feature: added option to include the client side js and css files only when the shortcode or widget exists. - feature: added general settings dialog - feature: make the menu role to be setup from the general settings dialog - feature: made language strings that can be translated for various of languages. - feature: Added Horizontal and Vertical Aligns (top,center,bottom, left,center,right) for Captions - feature: Shadow now available also in fullwidth mode. - improvement: make available to search by youtube and vimeo url and not only by id in the video dialog. - change: added "edit slider" button in sliders view for avoid confusement. - change: added background-size: cover to layers editor window for convering small size images. - bug fix: removed stretching in slides view - feature: added option to add new transparent slide in slides view - feature: added option to add multiple slides from images in slides view - optimization: begin using wordpress image thumbs in slide view. increase speed loading. - feature: added option to copy / move slide to another slider - feature: Added Lazy Loading function (see Example Lazy Load) - feature: Navigation Position Anywhere also in FullWidht Mode, even outside the Container - feature: Added HTML5 Video (videoJS) - feature: Added video option to all videos: go to next slide on video end - change: removed plugins js file, left only one js file include - feature: Added FullScreen slider mode function - bug fix: Fixed Transition issues with timing and layout. Fullwidth transitions are going to stay in box, and timed well - bug fix: when only one slide exist, and randomrotate animation spped is larger then in animation it broke the caption. Fix is added now. - feature: added Fullscreen Offset Container option fullScreenOffsetContainer:"#header" (i.e. the height of fullscreen slider will be decreased with the height of the #header to fit perfect in the screen !) - feature: added multi select for the transitions - feature: added quick links to slides from a slide view - feature: added sharp corners option to the layers - feature: added layer property: Responsive Through All Levels - feature: added layer property: Scroll below slider, added to the slide link section - feature: done import slider option to sliders view - feature: jQuery 2.0 and 1.10 Support - improvement: Changed Caption Animation from jQuery animation against CSS Animations. Imrpoved speed and techink. - bug fix: Issues at resizing the containers, where captions moved out of the Container - feature: done video arguments in the video dialog - change: moved all the video properties to the video dialog - change: redesigned slide view - change: moved fullwidth video to slide dialog from slide settings. - addition: added link to documentation from ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************ version 2.3.92 - bug fix: enabled preview of unpublished slide version 2.3.91 - bug fix: field image not found message removed. version 2.3.9 - bug fix: more then one Slider on the same page influence the Caption Behaviour. Issue is fixed in this release. - bug fix: safary browser on pc failure on a slider with links. version 2.3.8 - Added new Function: setting data-x and data-y at simple caption to "center" it will position in each resolution the content of that caption to vertical and/or horizontal to the center - bug fix: Fullwidth Banner Horizontal Position Failure at aspect ration 1:1 to image ratio has been fixed. version 2.3.7 - bug fix: fixed IE10 Crash with some Transition version 2.3.6 - bug fix: fixed bug with the deeplink version 2.3.5 -feature: deeplink available. i.e. http:/ will link to slide 1. http:/ to slide 3 etc... http:/ will link always to the last slide. -bug fix: Loop,amount of loop, and stop at slide was not working well. Issue is fixed in this verison. version 2.3.4 -bug fix: fixed fullwidthcentering, changed to on version 2.3.3 - bug fix: craete a table if not created on every call, and not on activate only. - feature: added "update slider" button to update the slider from zip file. version 2.3.2 - feature: added error message on backend that show problems in jquery ui version 2.3.1 - bug fix: fixed new media dialog open chooser version 2.3 - feature: added new media uploader of wp 3.5 - feature: added first slide transition that can be various from the other transitions. - feature: added startWithSlide option - feature: added slide background color or transparent slide options - change: changed option name in navigation type (verticalcentered to solo). - feature: improved navigation and arrows align and offset options, added saparate options for each elemtn. - feature: added slide title for better and logical viewing in the list. - feature: added publish / unpublish slide feature - feature: added "update image source" feature of the image layer. - feature: added "preview slide" button from slides list - bug fix: fade Animation in IE9 had a small rotation. Issue is fixed - bug fix: AutoPlay Videos in 2nd Loop did not started automatically. Issue is fixed version 2.2.4 - Bug Fixed: IE9 Odd Rotation effect at animating the slides. Issue is resolved in this version - Bug Fixed: IE8 Caption does not disappear at fadeout changed. IE8 Filter added again, some cases it can add an odd halo effect at animationg the png images. version 2.2.3 - bug fix: fixed charset collate in old wp. - CSS Edit: visiblility:hidden for rev_slider_wrapper ul container, to hide elements at loading. version 2.2.2 - feature: Event like onbeforeswap, onafterswap and onloaded can be used now. version 2.2.1 -bug fix: added database table collation on create table. -bug fix: FF 18 and YT Player issues has been solved. (Black Screen and Not Clickable button) version 2.2 - Supporting jQuery 1.9.x now version 2.1.8 - bug fix: fade effect in IE8 was not animated since ie8 needs static position instead of relative or absolute by fading - feature: added new api features like revlastslide, revcurrentslide version 2.1.7 - bug fix: Loading of Content was visible during the Loading sequenze - feature: added link position: front or back - bug fix: the google font is loading from the backend if selected - bug fix: fixed some multisite bugs, made it more compatability for the multisite. - change: removed the php_resize feature - change: made 100% compatible with wp multisite version 2.1.6 - updated the slider for multisite systems. Each blog can create exclusive sliders only. - Bug Fixed: Link to _blank page crashed the Slider. - PreLoading Images are not visible any more. version 2.1.5 - bug fix: fixed some bug with caption hidden under width option version 2.1.4 - feature: added full width centering for slide image - bug fix: fixed some full width output bug - protection: added css protection against ul margin - protection: improved slider not found by alias error message. - feature: added put slider on certain pages functionality - feature: added "pages" field to the slider widget version 2.1.3 - bug fix: fixed some visual button css bug. version 2.1.2 - bug fix: fixed the bug with jquery ui autocomplete version 2.1.1 - bug fix: fixed new bugs with wordpress 3.5 compatability - changed Style in Editor version 2.1 - change: changed backend jquery ui version to set the slider work with wordpress 3.5. - feature: added slider hide under some width option - feature: added selected captions / all caption hide under some width - added new option for linktoslide per Main Slide also. data-link need to be set to "slide" and data-linktoslide should be set to the Order Nr. of Slide you want to link - bug fix: fixed some preview slide issue with slashes - bug fix: made a switch between old and new jquery ui libraries. The new will be loaded for wp version 3.5+ version 2.0.6 - bug fix: changes way that layers has been saved. added json stringify. - addition: added "alt" text to all the images in the output, so the slider could be validated. version 2.0.5 - Bug Fix: Box Slide Failure - Big Fix: Caption Out Failure version 2.0.3 - feature: added show slider option for user roles (can be set in inc_php/revslider_globals.php) - feature: added rel=0 to youtube video output. - protection: added css protection against image margins - change: return back the captions.css file. It was copied from captions-original.css before. version 2.0.2 - bug fix: changed the .caption to .tp-caption in slider output. version 2.0.1 - improvement: made captions.css copied on the fly from caption-original.css to avoid styles loss on update. version 2.0 reloaded - feature: added codemirror editor - feature: added "link to slide" option - protection: changed .caption to .tp-caption styles - feature: added show / hide slide options for better slide layers editing - feature: added "caption end" features - feature: added show / hide layer and global show / hide button - feature: added "timeline" that show the layer lifetime visually - feature: added slide preview - feature: added slider preview from the sliders list and slider view - feature: added caption link to slide functionality - feature: added video autoplay option for video captions - protection: added protection agains output filters, 2 types of it by setting choice. - change: removed the depth direct editing. The drag & drop is enought - change: when duplicate layer, the layernow added to end of the sortbox list and not beneath the parent layer. - feature: added version text to the backend and front end. version 1.5.7 - protection: added protection aguenst wpautop filter (html p and br eclosure) - protection: add video layer iframe protection against global css settings. - bug fix: fixed not working api issue. Made the revapi variable global. version 1.5.6 - bug fix: changed the is_home() to is_front_page() function when choose the slider to be on home page only. - protection: added validations for empty or not numeric slider width and slider height - protection: added client side protection against double jquery include - protection: added list-style-type:none in css version 1.5.5 -feature: added function - put on homepage only in widget area and php putRevSlider function -feature: added transformZ(0) for Android and Google Chrome to use GPU for Animations. version 1.5.4 - feature: added function - put js to body - protection against jquery.js after js includes. version 1.5.3 - change: added some js protections. - added some php protections version 1.5.2 - change: made the slider not found error more clear. version 1.5.1 - Workaround: Isotope CSS3 Transition Conflict solved via an add on in plugin.js - bug fix: fixed back end caption z-index show - feature: set accordion in slider settings. - feature: added slider setting: "arrows always on" - feature: added slider setting: "timer bar position" - bug fix: if Container has no height, a start height will be defined vias jQuery to resolve the "slider not visible" issue - bug fix: IE9 / IE8 FullScreen Link did not worked well. Issue is solved in this update. version 1.5 ----- Front End + Back End - feature: new animation library (transition.js) has been added - feature: new transitions added - premium 3D transitions and Custom Transitions. - feature: shuffle mode shuffle:"on/off" to randomize the list elements at start - feature: API with function like next, prev, maxslide, pause,resume, show, event handling (event name : revolution.slide.changed data.slideIndex = new slide index) - feature: added slide transition rotation to slide options. - feature: added "randomrotate" caption transition - feature: added slide link target - new or same window - feature: added 2 more responsive layers (5,6) - feature: Full Width video support for youtube and vimeo - bug fix: ul/li Lists can be added now in Captions - bug fix: jQuery 1.72 and jQuery 1.8 Compatibility mode is stable now - bug fix: IE8 Halo Errors has been repaired. (some animation with opacity has only two phase animation now, and some CPU Heavy animation is automatically replaced with simple animations instead in IE8) - bug fix: if YouTube Player inserted in slide 1 and loadig time takes longer. - bug fix: transition fade speed settings - bug fix: fixed ie8 responsive layout ----Back End Only - feature: The layers are selected after add - feature: Added export / import slider functionality - bug fix: When add text layer after image layer selected the class was empty. - bug fix: When click "update video" button on vimeo video, the video could not be found - bug fix: Video dialog was not searching on values with "space" on the begin or end, done trim. - bug fix: When inserting button, the html layer style didn't updated right - bug fix: Fixed some php notices on debug mode on. version 1.4.1 - fixed some small bug with "stop slider" functionality version 1.4 - feature: added "duplicate slider" functionality - feature: added "stop slider" functionality - bug fix: fixed duplicate layer js bugs from the previous update - Feature changed : slidehorizontal and slidevertical will always slide the items left/right or up/down depending on the Navigation direction has been pressed. (basic direction is always to the left and to the top) version 1.3.6 - feature: added "by depth" and "by time" layer sorting options - feature: Done duplicate slide - feature: Done duplicate layer - change: removed unnessesary option: "full width centering". This options is now set by the slider type - bug fix: the fullwidth option is not grayed any more - bug fix: fix the backend sort layers bug (after deleting a layer) version 1.3.5 -bug fix: jQuery Length error by removing slots from screen has been repaired. version 1.3.4 -bug fix: With only One Slide the slider breaks. Bug solved. With only one Slide no Bullets and no Navigation Arrows are visible !! -bug fix: Change time sortbox disabled clickable event. version 1.3.3 -feature: added links support to image layer version 1.3.2 -bug fix: Fade transition keeps some trash in the memory -bug fix: YouTube and Vimeo APIS only loads on Request version 1.3.1 -bug fix: fixed the indexOf js bug version 1.3 -feature: Added transition duration option to slide options -feature: Added background image option to slider options -feature: Vimeo and Youtube API added. Slider Countdown is stopped during the Playback. -bug fix: Improved js and css including, put it on another hook function. -bug fix: Some transition could not be skipped as first Slide. Bug is fixed. version 1.2.2 -bug fix: in multisite tried to create "cache folder" on not existing upload path. version 1.2.1 -bug fix: fixed the image layer url version 1.2 - feature: added transitions - random / slidehorizontal / slidevertical - bug fix: fixed url fetching in js from image import dialog - bug fix: fixed css styles reload in backend version 1.1.5 - feature: shortcodes works within html captions - bug fix: fixed all the image url's without php resizing. Now any image url's can be used, not only from the "wp-content" path. version 1.1.4 - fix for Bootstraps : In case Bootstrap Theme is used, a img full-width:none !important overwrite bootstrap responsivity. version 1.1.3 - fix wordpress content path init. Take from wp core instead hard coded wp-content version 1.1.2 - workaoudn: JS Plugin resize the height of the Holder Container in case no default height has been set - feature: Random Funktion has been added vor Slide Transitions - bug fix: jQuery 1.8 Library works now fine version 1.1.1 - bug fix: added buffering to shortcode output, for avoid double slider output. version 1.1 -feature: added "insert button" dialog -fixed some bugs in ie8 version 1.0.5 -bug fix: fixed responsitive slider type, added initial width and height. version 1.0.4 - feature: added option to turn on / off jquery noconflict mode version 1.0.3 - released 06/08/12 - bug fix: add "default value" in insert slide mysql statement. Sometimes it caused error. version 1.0.2 - bug fix: css Conflicht Fix, removed css Extension - bug fix: fullwidth option was missing in the output, added this option. version 1.0.1 - bug fix: added update sortbox time on blur and not only on enter version 1.0 - 31.8.2012 first release